The Boy Bands have won

2024 Philadelphia Fringe Festival

One block of flats, multiple occupants, several stories, but ultimately one struggle unites them: “The Boy Bands Have Won.”

The Hum’n’bards Theater Troupe presented their third full-album theatrical adaptation for the Philly Fringe Festival after their 2021 staging of The Decemberist’s “The Hazards of Love” and their 2018 performance of The Taxpayers’ “God Forgive These Bastards.” This production saw the troupe honoring Chumbawamba’s eponymous 2008 album, known not only for holding the Guinness World Record for the longest album title at 156 words (we narrowed it down to 5, just for you!) but also for its politically and socially aware folk music. The poignant sentiments echo insightfully even 16 years after its initial release and was presented by our queer collective in-person and digitally.

Shreya Ragavan as The Poet
Taylor Cawley as The Old Timer
Maxine “Max” Webber The Waitress

Production Team
Director - Travis Rosemarie Curhart-Fischbach
Stage Manager - Teddy Ullrey
Assistant Stage Manager - Linden Curhart
Assistant Director - CJ Higgins
Artwork - Tim Polagye and Felix Carter


2023 Philadelphia Fringe Festival

Immerse yourself in the heartfelt story of Wish, a young autistic woman navigating her place in the world through her mother's belief that she's a fae changeling. Featuring a folky, acoustic score with powerful harmonies, "Wishling" will transport you on a journey of self-discovery, identity, and the magic of storytelling.

Presented at the Dina Wind Art Foundation.

Wish - Mae Burrus (they/them)
Lily - Genevieve Chambers (she/her)
Aspen - Sarah Bastian (they/them)

Written and directed by - Linden Curhart
Songwriter/Musician - Travis Rosemarie Curhart-Fischbach
Art Doula - Wyatt Flynn
Stage Manager - Teddy Ullrey
Sound tech - CJ Higgins
Production - Taylor Alexander
Casting director - Quinton Alexander

Alice in Wonderland

Photos by Kelly Gleason

Presented in April 2023 as a co-production with Allens Lane Art Center

Alice follows a rabbit into a hole and suddenly finds themself in a strange place where no one can agree on who – or what! – they are. Can Alice find their way home, and will they stay true to themself along the way? Adapted from the works of Lewis Carroll by The Hum’n’bards Theater Troupe and featuring original music and songs, this Alice in Wonderland is a journey the young and the young at heart will never forget.

Directed by: CJ Higgins & Travis Rosemarie Curhart-Fischbach

Shreya Ragavan as Alice
Diamond Anthony as the Cheshire Cat
Travis Rosemarie Curhart-Fischbach as the Caterpillar
Jenn Adams as the White Rabbit
Wyatt Flynn as the Hatter

Costume Design - Molly Malone
Lighting Design - Dakota Adams
Artwork - Fox Royal
Photography - Kelly Gleason
Set Design - Felix Carter

The Tower

Check out the playlist of our music videos for The Tower, created as part of 2022 Philly Theatre Week!

Concept album: Philly Theatre Week 2022
Stage production: Philadelphia Fringe Festival 2022

The Tower is a visual concept album that explores and celebrates our universe from an emotional, spiritual, and scientific perspective, and seeks intimacy with whatever forces came together to create it.

This show was presented in-person and virtually as part of 2022 Philadelphia Fringe Festival.

Performed by (in alphabetical order):

Genevieve Chambers
Linden Curhart
Wyatt Flynn
Stephanie Stoner

Director: Jeremy Adam
Stage Manager: Teddy Ullrey
Videography: AJ Smith

A Queer

Presented in December 2021, 2022, and 2023

The Hum'n'bards Theater Troupe partnered with the brand-new performance venue The Painted Mug Cafe to bring you A Queer Christmas Carol, a retelling of the classic ghost story by Charles Dickens...but this time every character is gay.
On Christmas Eve, notorious miser Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by three spirits who vow to make him see the error of his ways. Can Scrooge overcome his greed to become a good person? Is that the real problem here?

Written by: CJ Higgins & Quinton J. Alexander
Directed by: CJ Higgins
Narrator: Rosey Hart (Kate Rose Wilburn) in 2021, Paula Deen- White in 2022
JL Hitchens as Ebenezer Scrooge
Linden Curhart as the Ghost of Christmas Past/Tiny Tim
Quanece Thomspon as the Ghost of Christmas Present/Fezziwig
Geremy Webne-Behrman as the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come/Jacob Marley
Stephanie Stoner as Bob Cratchit/Dick Wilkins
Willow McGlone as Fred/Fan
Twoey Truong as Belle/Mrs. Cratchit
Jenn Adams as Ensemble
Quinton J. Alexander as Ensemble

The Hazards of Love

2021 Philadelphia Fringe Festival

Margaret’s chance encounter with a wounded fawn in the wild leads her on a dark, magical journey where she’ll learn firsthand “The Hazards of Love”. Based on The Decemberists’ acclaimed concept album of the same name, The Hazards Of Love was The Hum’n’bards’ return to album adaptation after the 2018 staging of The Taxpayers’ God Forgive These Bastards. This production was the Philly Fringies Week 4 Pick in the Theatre Category, and our first hybrid in-person/digital production.

Yali Puello, Julianne Schaub, Alyssa Al-Dooki, Wyatt Flynn, Jenn Adams, Linden Curhart

Director - Travis Rosemarie Fischbach
Stage Manager - Patti LuStoned
Band - Willow McGlone, CJ Higgins, Travis Rosemarie Fischbach
Assistant Director - CJ Higgins
Designer - Libby Reindl
Fight Choreography - Quinton J. Alexander
Photography - Kelly Gleason


Co-hosts Quinton J. Alexander and CJ Higgins are visited by Duke Spookleton III, played by Arthur Robinson.

Co-hosts Quinton J. Alexander and CJ Higgins are visited by Duke Spookleton III, played by Arthur Robinson.

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June 2020, September 2020, and Philly Theatre Week 2021

Join in the merriment from the comfort of your home as entertainers dazzle with music, art, dance, combat, and beyond streaming from The Hum'n'bards Theater Troupe Facebook page. This show, created during the COVID-19 pandemic as a contact-free way to celebrate Ren Faires, was nominated for Best Recurring Show at the Philadelphia Digital Nightlife Awards.

Co-created and presented by Quinton J. Alexander and CJ Higgins
Graphic Design by Tim Polagye


The Artists’ Temple

Graphic by Taylor Plunkett-Clements

Graphic by Taylor Plunkett-Clements

Philly Theatre Week 2020

Patti LuStoned, Jeremy Adam and Quinton J. Alexander are ready to lead you on the path to ascension. The Artists’ Temple takes a look at cults - what draws people in, what kind of mythology they teach, and what people are willing to do to achieve eternal greatness.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sing along - just remember to drink the Kool Aid at the END of the show.

Devised and performed by:
Taylor Plunkett-Clements, Jeremy Adam, and Quinton J. Alexander

Photography - SayTen Studios

Fear itself

Photo by Harrison Scantling

Photo by Harrison Scantling

2019 Philly Fringe Festival

Humans live with fear everyday. Fear is often considered a character flaw. The thing that halts us from doing what is right because doing what is right is often frightening or dangerous. Fear Itself puts the power in the audiences hands as they are taken on a tour through a real historical cemetery to explore the concept of fear, the lost souls they encounter along the way, and the choices they get to make to either save these souls or leave them behind. This devised interactive show by the Hum’n’bards Theater Troupe is part ghost tour and part musical.

Arthur Robinson, Lucia Herrmann, Rachel O’Hanlon-Rodriguez, Stephanie Stoner

Director - Quinton J. Alexander
Lead Collaborator - CJ Higgins
Stage Manager - Lydia Stahl

We’ll Sleep When We’re Dead

All show photos by Harrison Scantling

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Philly Theatre Week 2019

Government-mandated chipping to end the need for sleep provides new ways to exploit workers. Dreams can’t come true when you don’t have any. Slip into your Vintage Pajamas and chase the feeling of dreaming with The Hum’n’bards. With their trademark queer rock style, The Hum’n’bards explore this 24 hour world - with underground Sleepeasies and flood lights blotting out each star in the sky.

Devised and Performed by:
Stevie Jae Davis, Monica Fischer, CJ Higgins, and Taylor Plunkett-Clements

With Additional Music by:
Jeremy Adam, Courtlyn Louise Ardito, Travis Fischbach and Wyatt Flynn

Directed by Cori Maskart

Promo Photos by courtlyn louise
Graphics by Travis Fischbach


Philly Gay News

Broad Street Review

City Wide Stories

God Forgive These Bastards

Photo: Harrison Scantling

Photo: Harrison Scantling

Philadelphia Fringe Festival 2018

Imagine a punk funeral for the most notorious guy in town.

In the wake of his death, those who knew him remember the life of Henry Turner: an addict, an abuser, and a master storyteller. God Forgive These Bastards is a staged adaptation of The Taxpayers’ eponymous 2012 album. Join us for the story of the man in need of redemption, and the people who aren’t ready to give it to him without a drink or twelve. 

Courtlyn Louise Ardito, Rachael Beam, Travis Fischbach, Wyatt M Flynn, Cori Maskart, Kyleen Shaw
Directed by CJ Higgins and Jessie McCormick

This show received the support of members of the band, with Rob Morton streaming the closing night performance to his fans. The show was seen by roughly 1,500 people.

Video is available upon request -

Photo: Harrison Scantling

Photo: Harrison Scantling

Photo; Harrison Scantling

Photo; Harrison Scantling

Photo: Harrison Scantling

Photo: Harrison Scantling

Photo: Harrison Scantling

Photo: Harrison Scantling

Photo: Harrison Scantling

Photo: Harrison Scantling


June 2017 and Philadelphia Fringe Festival 2017

In the Hum'n'Bards second annual production, we've adapted the story of Merchant of Venice and taken themes from Animal Farm to bring you GLISTER.

Glister tells the story of Shylock, Portia, and Bassanio as they struggle to find common ground in a world controlled by judgement and greed. 

Featuring original music by the clowns, Glister will transport you to a sexy, glitter-fueled world where the Banker always wins. Join the Banker and their tribe of Sad American Clowns in this rock and roll cabaret performance, but come prepared to tip because these clowns work for cash and an empty hat can stop the show.

Eric Jaffe, Travis Fischbach, Jeremy Adam, CJ Higgins, Wyatt Flynn, Lexi Pozonsky and Taylor Plunkett-Clements

A Folk Opera

Philadelphia Fringe Festival 2016

Alone on fractured continents, five people must find a way to connect.

Pangaea, a post-apocalyptic folk opera, is told through vignettes made up of original music and movement with an ensemble cast. This devised theatrical piece made its world debut at the 2016 Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Pangaea tells many stories: longing for friendship when all you have is canned pears, how to make use of technology when you have no one to connect with, tracking how many days it’s been since you’ve had a Domino’s pizza, and other themes about survival on your own.

The full soundtrack is available to purchase for any size donation on Bandcamp.

Devised and Performed by:
Wyatt Flynn, CJ Higgins, Jeremy Adam, Travis Fischbach, Kathy La

Directed by Jasmine Kojouri


*Please note that these reviews are old and may contain dead-names/old pronouns. Please be respectful in referencing any old reviews.
We keep everyone’s name and pronouns up to date on our website.

Phindie: "PANGAEA: A Folk Opera (Hum’n’bards): 2016 Fringe review 27" by Dorie Byrne

DC Metro Arts: 2016 Philadelphia Fringe Festival Review: ‘Pangaea: A Folk Opera’ at The Hum’n’Bards by Lisa Panzer

Bonaly (blog): "Pangaea: A Folk Opera" by Alexa Smith and Faye Marie


DC Metro Arts: "2016 Philadelphia Fringe Festival: ‘PANGAEA’: Interviews with the Cast and Director" by Henrik Eger

Contact us at for more information, to schedule interviews and get access to high-resolution photos. 

 Additional Shows

Not Not The Illuminati
Theater Week 2018


Not Not The Illuminati was a one-night-only presentation for the inaugural Philadelphia Theater Week in 2018. This exclusive cabaret/conference was a mixture of Powerpoint rants and pop music starring 2018 Drag Queen of the Year, Eric Jaffe.
Eric portrayed Illuminati entertainer Sammi Starr, with original music and lyrics by Eric Jaffe, Wyatt Flynn, and Kiko McGowan.
Additional performances by Wyatt Flynn, Taylor Plunkett-Clements and Nate Biagiotti.
Direction and Powerpoint by Taylor Plunkett-Clements
Script by John Rosenberg

Five Dollar Comedy Week April 2018

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Grosslesque was the Bards’ first foray into producing burlesque shows! Conceived by Buffy Reindl, Grosslesque featured gross and experimental burlesque and variety routines. Buffy Reindl hosted as the friendly raccoon Long Thing the Trash Queen with performances by Honeytree Evileye, Liberty Rose, Eric Jaffe, Renaissance Noir, Taylor Plunkett-Clements and Queer Bait.

This show was presented to a sold out crowd as a part of Good Good Comedy Theater’s Five Dollar Comedy Week.

If you would like to see Grosslesque come to a bar near you, shoot us an email at